Sunday, May 8, 2011

Genetics&IVF Institute 25th Annual Baby Reunion

I had the pleasure of attending the 25th Annual Baby Reunion, it was our very first time;as Ella is only 10 month old. Dr. Jones was not there, he's recently retired. And Nancy Gallucci was also absent, due to a family emergency. You both were missed and prayers have been sent your way Nancy! I spoke with Stephen R. Lincoln, MD, FACOG, he was my main hands on doctor when we made Ella. He spoke of his twin 15 year old boys. I said, "O, so you used IVF as well?" He replied that he in fact did not and believes God has a sense of humor considering his profession. lol Ah Yes, you have to laugh with God on that one:) Here is a photo of Dr. Stephen and Ella:
I also spoke with Joseph D. Schulman, MD the GIVF founder. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised that he knew of this blog! We spoke for quite some time on all matters. I asked more about when Microsort was to be FDA approved and he stated that they are still gathering the study data and waiting on a court date. I was honored that he asked if i would consider speaking at the hearing. I believe wholeheartedly in Microsort and have tried to be a voice for them through this blog,, and personal conversations. Currently Microsort is closed to gender selection and they are only open to those with genetic disorders at this time. I spoke with several families at this renuion and each one had their own unique story. It seemed that in every direction there were single, double, and even triple blessings! The very first GIVF baby was in attendance with her husband=) How awesome is that! Here is a photo of her, in the white sweater cutting the cake:

There was another mother and daughter (daughter in her twenties), my mind drifted off into thoughts of when Ella grows up and how year after year this will be such a special event. Everyone was so friendly and it felt as if it was an extended family. There was yet another family with their two red headed boys ages 8 and 3. She told me how they were created at the same time, but the younger child was frozen until they went back again to conceive. Trying to wrap ones mind around that is baffling. Twins, yet born years apart! All these families, all these very much wanted children, all the love you could feel, gratefulness, and gratitude. And the gracious, friendly doctors who feel like they are part of the family, THANK YOU! I must add that the stuffed animal they hand out is an already adored lovey:

Here's additional photos of my older 4 who enjoyed the clowns and face painting. 

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